Losers in all Directions

    Didn't they realize how they corrupted many? How they seized innocence from children's eyes? How they seized beautiful scents from flowers? How they put off light in many souls, leaving them survive on just a flicker? Didn't they realize that they are a prototype of ugliness? ugliness in a sentimental pretence! They were great tutors! They taught the little chaps how to damn life instead of embracing it. They taught them how to cry over and over instead of protesting. They taught them not to protest!
They fed them helplessness, humiliation, and despair until the little chaps believed they've been destined to destruction! All ways drive into loss! They've lived with this pricking thought that they are "losers in all directions".

Written by: Mariam Essam

Photo credited to: The artist Loay Kayali 

Photo edited by: Mariam Essam 

For more works visit: mariamessamsenior.contently


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